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Business Broadband

The internet has now become an essential service for most businesses. Lack of broadband connectivity is now one of the biggest barriers preventing rural businesses from expanding.
Rural Technologies Wales can help your business connect to high speed internet and offer advice on how this will help your business.

Community Broadband

There are many communities in Wales without access to high speed internet.  A community solution will allow all members to benefit from a high speed, business grade internet including video streaming, telephony and on-line gaming capability.
Rural Technologies Wales will act as the driver for getting your community solution up and running, providing design, implementation and ongoing support services.

Residential Broadband

Access to high speed broadband is highly dependent upon location, with factors such as distance from the telephone exchange and the age and condition of the telephone cables all having an impact.  It is not uncommon for one property to have excellent internet with a neighbouring property poorly served.
Rural Technologies Wales can advise on how your property is best served with internet access in your area.

Grant Funding

The Welsh Government currently have 2 schemes available to provide funding for high speed internet projects.

  • The Access Broadband Cymru scheme provides grants to businesses, communities and individuals in Wales. Up to 90% of the installation costs to a maximum of £900 is available to applicants who can prove that they cannot achieve a download speed of 2 mbps.

  • The Ultrafast Connectivity Voucher Scheme offers  grants of up to a maximum value of £10,000 for businesses who cannot achieve a download speed of 100 mbps.

Both schemes complement the Superfast Cymru programme where the Welsh Government is working in partnership with BT to deliver fast fibre broadband across Wales.

Fixed Wireless: Services
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